Repurposed Toilet Paper Roll Seed Starter Pots

When I saw these all over the internet I just knew I had to make some!  I have a whole bag of toilet paper rolls I just knew would come in handy for something :).
Toilet Paper Roll
1.  Smash your roll to flatten it

2.  Smash your roll again on the opposite side.  This should leave you with 4 creases that would form a box shape if you were to unflatten it
3.  Here is were you can either cut your roll in half cross-wise to make 2 smaller starters or leave it whole to make a larger one.  Once you have decided you will cut up about 1/2" from the bottom to create 4 flaps. 
5.  Next, fold each flap in, overlapping them like you would close a box.  This creates the bottom of your starter

6.  Fill them with dirt
7.  Add seeds (or transplants)
7.  Water and watch them grow!  When you are ready, just place the whole thing right into the dirt!

Here are 2 of the size options I mentioned above. You can leave the toilet paper whole or cut in half  (I prefer the half sized).  You can also use paper towel rolls to get different sizes as well.


  1. I'm doing this to give seed starts as gifts. You are the best. Can't wait to try regrowing celery. Love from, Bridget

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  3. It's such a good idea.

  4. A6354F12BEAlyssa279FCA8BECOctober 11, 2024 at 11:57 AM

    skype show


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